We are happy to announce that we have won the BAUsmart start-up award from the Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie, Buildingsmart Deutschland and Bundesverband Digitales Bauwesen e.V. - BDBau together with Mineral Waste Manager and Cosuno! We were able to win against 50 other start-ups.
The prize was awarded for the first time. A jury of experts from the fields of planning, construction and operation, as well as from the German Federal Ministry of Economics, honored young, innovative ideas for construction. We were able to convince the jury with our robotic hoist lift LIFTBOT.
The prize was awarded on the virtual day of the construction industry, which took place on 10 June 2021, and comes with prize money of 3.000 euros. We will use the money to properly celebrate this and past successes together with our team.